
Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.s) focus on identifying and treating the root cause of symptoms, rather than suppressing, to restore the natural health of the body. N.D’s are able to prescribe non-medical solutions, provide different methods of aid, and implement simple lifestyle changes to help their patients including education in preventative care.

Naturopathic Medicine differs in the philosophy and strategy of treatment customized to the individual and normally spend more time with patients in comparison to the average Medical Doctor to really understand and treat what needs to be addressed

Definitely! The great thing about paying for your health care is that you have control. You get more time, have all your questions answered, and a treatment plan personalized to you when meeting with a Naturopathic Doctor.

Effective treatment can save more time, money, and energy down the road.

Most extended healthcare plans offer coverage for Naturopathy. Please check with your insurance provider and request coverage it if is not provided. After each visit you will be provided with an invoice to submit for claims

Everyone can benefit! Naturopathy focuses on treating people of all genders, ages, sizes, and backgrounds, not only diseases.

Naturopathic Medicine can be used to treat both acute conditions (ie. colds and flu, fever, minor injuries, and migraines) and chronic conditions (ie. fatigue, endocrine imbalances, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, neurological disorders, and mood disorders). It is also a great support to optimize health through life transitions (such as weight loss, puberty, menopause, pregnancy, and aging) or adjunctive care to support conventional medical treatments.

Many people seek out Naturopathic Doctors because they want to support their wellness goals, are looking for an alternative or complementary solution, or simply because they would like to learn more about their health.

Normally, a First Visit can take up to 90-minutes and will consist of an in-depth intake on your health history, screening physical exam, and discussion on your health concerns and goals. At the end of this visit, we will have clear priorities, goals, and you will leave with some preliminary treatment recommendations to follow until the next visit.

Of course. We believe that working together is the best way to support patients to ensure that you receive the best possible care. It is common for a Naturopathic Doctor to request lab work and other documents to best treat their patients.

Please provide the contact information for your other healthcare providers to your first appointment and copies of any recent lab work if possible.

Naturopathic Medical training includes education in pharmacology and interactions of pharmaceutical medications with herbs, vitamins, foods, and managing side effects of medications. Please provide a list of current medications and supplements to your appointment so we can take them into account in your treatment plan.

Yes, we can! Naturopathic Doctors can order lab work, interpret the results, and use this information to create an appropriate treatment plan. Lab work ordered by a Naturopathic Doctor is not covered by OHIP.

If you have copies of any recent lab work from another health care provider, please bring a copy to your appointment if possible or provide us with their information so that we can contact on your behalf.